84.Please ensure that we'll get right shipping documents before the arrival of the goods. 请确保在货物到达前我方可拿到正确的装船单据。 85.When can we collect the goods? 我...
(1) Original draft : How to get on wellwith others has a lot of ways. 作者想要表达:有许多方法可以帮助,我们与人友好相处。 Spiced draft : I can give you some tipson how to ge...
VIPKID在线青少儿英语通过“乡村公益英语课堂”项目在河北沧县兴济镇开展线上口语课。 新京报讯(记者 戚望)“How many fingers do you have?(你有几根手指?)” 9月25日,美国密苏里州,外...
近日,有一段名为《We Are All Fighters(我们都是战士)》英文短视频火了!短短数日,获全网超过两亿的曝光量,还被众多媒体平台和微信公众号转载!数中外网友在该视频发布、转载的各大平台留言,写下他们被这段铿锵有力的演讲所激发出的内心共鸣。 与多数成为 " 爆款 " 的短...
A:Do you know how to get there? 你知道怎么去那吗? B:That's a good question. You've got me. 好问题,你真还难倒我了。 2.其他表达↓↓↓ It's not so easy.这不简单。 It's a bit t...